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לא כל היאך

  • 1 היאך

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  • 2 היאך

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  • 3 היאךְ

    הֵיאַךְh. (interrog. = הֵיךְ) how! Ab. Zar. II, 5 ה׳ אתה קורא (Y. ed. הֵאיךְ) how do you read?Y.Ber.IV, 7c top. Pesik. R. s. 1; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > היאךְ

  • 4 חלי

    חלי, חָלָה(b. h.; cmp. חלל) 1) to be lax, to be sick, faint away, grieve. Ex. R. s. 43 (expl. ויחל, Ex. 32:11 ח׳ משה Moses was sick (grieved). Kidd.71b, a. e. מדי חוֹלָה Media is sick, v. גּוֹסֵס.Ber.28b כשח׳וכ׳ when R. … fell sick; a. fr.V. חוֹלֶה. 2) to be smooth (to the taste), sweet. Pi. חִלָּה 1) to soften, sweeten; to soothe, assuage (by prayer, gifts). Ex. R. l. c. מהו וַיְחַל שהכניסוכ׳ what does vayḥal (Ex. l. c.) mean? He offered (ref. to Ps. 45:13). Ib. מהו ויחל עשה את המרוכ׳ he made sweet what was bitter. Ib. חַלֵּי מרירתןוכ׳ sweeten thou the bitterness (sin) of Israel Ib. מי שיְחַלֶּהוכ׳ one to sweeten the bitterness (by prayer). Yalk. Ex. 392 אביי אמר עד שחִילֵּהוּ להקב״ה בתפילתו (v. infra) Ab. explained vayḥal, until he assuaged (the anger of) the Lord Deut. R. s. 3 הרי בניך מרים חַלֵּה אותן thy children are bitter, sweeten them. Ib. היאך יהאא״ל הוי חל אתה רחמים, read. היאך אהא אומרא״ל הוי אומר חַלֵּה את המרים what shall I say? Said He, Say, sweeten ; Yalk. Ex. 392. Lam. R. to I, 2 לא חִלִּינוּ פניך we did not assuage thee by repentance; Ex. R. s. 45 חלִּינוּ מלפניהקב״ה, we prayed ; a. fr. Hif. הֶחֱלָה 1) to assuage, soften. Ber.32a אביי אמר עד שהֶחֱלֵהוּ להקב״ה בתפלה Ms. M. (v. D. S. a. l.) until he assuaged, v. supra. (Ib. שה׳ עליהםוכ׳, read: שהֵחֵל, v. חָלַל. 2) to make sick, wear out. Ib. עמד משה … עד שהחלהו (Ms. M. עד שחלה) Moses stood in prayer … until He wore Him out (by his persistency, v. Rashi a. l. a. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 3). 3) (v. חָלַל a. חִלְחֵל) to permeate, affect. B. Mets. 107b bile is called maḥlah (v. מַחְלָה) שהיא מַחְלָהוכ׳ (Ms. F. שמְחַלֶּלֶת) for it goes through the entire body (perh. מְחַלָּה fr. חָלַל). Hof. הוּחֲלָה to be made sick. Ber. l. c. עמד … עד שה׳ ed. Sonc. a. oth. (v. supra) until He was worn out.

    Jewish literature > חלי

  • 5 חלה

    חלי, חָלָה(b. h.; cmp. חלל) 1) to be lax, to be sick, faint away, grieve. Ex. R. s. 43 (expl. ויחל, Ex. 32:11 ח׳ משה Moses was sick (grieved). Kidd.71b, a. e. מדי חוֹלָה Media is sick, v. גּוֹסֵס.Ber.28b כשח׳וכ׳ when R. … fell sick; a. fr.V. חוֹלֶה. 2) to be smooth (to the taste), sweet. Pi. חִלָּה 1) to soften, sweeten; to soothe, assuage (by prayer, gifts). Ex. R. l. c. מהו וַיְחַל שהכניסוכ׳ what does vayḥal (Ex. l. c.) mean? He offered (ref. to Ps. 45:13). Ib. מהו ויחל עשה את המרוכ׳ he made sweet what was bitter. Ib. חַלֵּי מרירתןוכ׳ sweeten thou the bitterness (sin) of Israel Ib. מי שיְחַלֶּהוכ׳ one to sweeten the bitterness (by prayer). Yalk. Ex. 392 אביי אמר עד שחִילֵּהוּ להקב״ה בתפילתו (v. infra) Ab. explained vayḥal, until he assuaged (the anger of) the Lord Deut. R. s. 3 הרי בניך מרים חַלֵּה אותן thy children are bitter, sweeten them. Ib. היאך יהאא״ל הוי חל אתה רחמים, read. היאך אהא אומרא״ל הוי אומר חַלֵּה את המרים what shall I say? Said He, Say, sweeten ; Yalk. Ex. 392. Lam. R. to I, 2 לא חִלִּינוּ פניך we did not assuage thee by repentance; Ex. R. s. 45 חלִּינוּ מלפניהקב״ה, we prayed ; a. fr. Hif. הֶחֱלָה 1) to assuage, soften. Ber.32a אביי אמר עד שהֶחֱלֵהוּ להקב״ה בתפלה Ms. M. (v. D. S. a. l.) until he assuaged, v. supra. (Ib. שה׳ עליהםוכ׳, read: שהֵחֵל, v. חָלַל. 2) to make sick, wear out. Ib. עמד משה … עד שהחלהו (Ms. M. עד שחלה) Moses stood in prayer … until He wore Him out (by his persistency, v. Rashi a. l. a. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 3). 3) (v. חָלַל a. חִלְחֵל) to permeate, affect. B. Mets. 107b bile is called maḥlah (v. מַחְלָה) שהיא מַחְלָהוכ׳ (Ms. F. שמְחַלֶּלֶת) for it goes through the entire body (perh. מְחַלָּה fr. חָלַל). Hof. הוּחֲלָה to be made sick. Ber. l. c. עמד … עד שה׳ ed. Sonc. a. oth. (v. supra) until He was worn out.

    Jewish literature > חלה

  • 6 חָלָה

    חלי, חָלָה(b. h.; cmp. חלל) 1) to be lax, to be sick, faint away, grieve. Ex. R. s. 43 (expl. ויחל, Ex. 32:11 ח׳ משה Moses was sick (grieved). Kidd.71b, a. e. מדי חוֹלָה Media is sick, v. גּוֹסֵס.Ber.28b כשח׳וכ׳ when R. … fell sick; a. fr.V. חוֹלֶה. 2) to be smooth (to the taste), sweet. Pi. חִלָּה 1) to soften, sweeten; to soothe, assuage (by prayer, gifts). Ex. R. l. c. מהו וַיְחַל שהכניסוכ׳ what does vayḥal (Ex. l. c.) mean? He offered (ref. to Ps. 45:13). Ib. מהו ויחל עשה את המרוכ׳ he made sweet what was bitter. Ib. חַלֵּי מרירתןוכ׳ sweeten thou the bitterness (sin) of Israel Ib. מי שיְחַלֶּהוכ׳ one to sweeten the bitterness (by prayer). Yalk. Ex. 392 אביי אמר עד שחִילֵּהוּ להקב״ה בתפילתו (v. infra) Ab. explained vayḥal, until he assuaged (the anger of) the Lord Deut. R. s. 3 הרי בניך מרים חַלֵּה אותן thy children are bitter, sweeten them. Ib. היאך יהאא״ל הוי חל אתה רחמים, read. היאך אהא אומרא״ל הוי אומר חַלֵּה את המרים what shall I say? Said He, Say, sweeten ; Yalk. Ex. 392. Lam. R. to I, 2 לא חִלִּינוּ פניך we did not assuage thee by repentance; Ex. R. s. 45 חלִּינוּ מלפניהקב״ה, we prayed ; a. fr. Hif. הֶחֱלָה 1) to assuage, soften. Ber.32a אביי אמר עד שהֶחֱלֵהוּ להקב״ה בתפלה Ms. M. (v. D. S. a. l.) until he assuaged, v. supra. (Ib. שה׳ עליהםוכ׳, read: שהֵחֵל, v. חָלַל. 2) to make sick, wear out. Ib. עמד משה … עד שהחלהו (Ms. M. עד שחלה) Moses stood in prayer … until He wore Him out (by his persistency, v. Rashi a. l. a. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 3). 3) (v. חָלַל a. חִלְחֵל) to permeate, affect. B. Mets. 107b bile is called maḥlah (v. מַחְלָה) שהיא מַחְלָהוכ׳ (Ms. F. שמְחַלֶּלֶת) for it goes through the entire body (perh. מְחַלָּה fr. חָלַל). Hof. הוּחֲלָה to be made sick. Ber. l. c. עמד … עד שה׳ ed. Sonc. a. oth. (v. supra) until He was worn out.

    Jewish literature > חָלָה

  • 7 דמם

    דָּמַם(b. h.; v. דּוּם, דָּמָה) to be silent, dumb, at rest; to be stricken dumb. Pesik. R. s. 33 (ref. to Is. 6:5) היאך היה לי שדָּמַמְתִּי how did it happen to me that I was silent (did not join in the praises of the angels)? Taan.20a דָּמְמוּ הרוחות when the winds subside. Snh.91a כאבן דּוּמָם like a dumb stone. Ber.19a יושב ודֹומֵם sits in silence; a. fr.Part. pass. דָּמוּם, f. דְּמוּמָה. Lam. R. to I, 17 (ref. to אֶדַּדֵּם, Ps. 42:5) ועכשיו ד׳ סלקאוכ׳ and now in silence does she (Israel) go up (to the ruins of Jerusalem), and in silence V. דִּמְדֵּם. 2) to leave off. Midr. Till. to Ps. 4:5 (ref. to ודמו ib.) (read:) ובלבד שתִּדֹּוםוכ׳ provided that thou leavest off from the sin ; Yalk. ib. 627. Hif. הִדְמִים to silence, bring to a stand-still. Ex. R. s. 29 end ה׳ כל העולם He made the world stand still. Gen. R. s. 97 שהוא מַדְמִיםוכ׳ who will bring to a stand-still sun and moon.

    Jewish literature > דמם

  • 8 דָּמַם

    דָּמַם(b. h.; v. דּוּם, דָּמָה) to be silent, dumb, at rest; to be stricken dumb. Pesik. R. s. 33 (ref. to Is. 6:5) היאך היה לי שדָּמַמְתִּי how did it happen to me that I was silent (did not join in the praises of the angels)? Taan.20a דָּמְמוּ הרוחות when the winds subside. Snh.91a כאבן דּוּמָם like a dumb stone. Ber.19a יושב ודֹומֵם sits in silence; a. fr.Part. pass. דָּמוּם, f. דְּמוּמָה. Lam. R. to I, 17 (ref. to אֶדַּדֵּם, Ps. 42:5) ועכשיו ד׳ סלקאוכ׳ and now in silence does she (Israel) go up (to the ruins of Jerusalem), and in silence V. דִּמְדֵּם. 2) to leave off. Midr. Till. to Ps. 4:5 (ref. to ודמו ib.) (read:) ובלבד שתִּדֹּוםוכ׳ provided that thou leavest off from the sin ; Yalk. ib. 627. Hif. הִדְמִים to silence, bring to a stand-still. Ex. R. s. 29 end ה׳ כל העולם He made the world stand still. Gen. R. s. 97 שהוא מַדְמִיםוכ׳ who will bring to a stand-still sun and moon.

    Jewish literature > דָּמַם

  • 9 זכות

    זְכוּתf. (זָכָה) 1) acquittal, favorable judgment, plea in defence.לִמֵּד ז׳ to plead in favor of the defendant. Snh.IV, 1 הכל מלמדין ז׳ all are permitted to plead for the defendant. Ib. פותחין לז׳ the opening argument must be for the defence. Ib. מטין על פי אחד לז׳ a majority of one is sufficient for acquittal; a. fr.Ab. I, 6 הוי דן … לכף ז׳ judge every man with an inclination in his favor. Sabb.32a הבא ז׳ והפטר bring pleaders in thy favor (good deeds) and be acquitted; a. fr. 2) doing good, blessing. Taan.29a, a. fr. מגלגלין ז׳, v. גִּלְגֵּל.Y.Naz.VII, 56a bot. נתכוונתי לז׳ I had the intention of doing good; Treat. Smaḥ. IV, end. (Ib. תחלת זכותי, read: תשמישי. 3) the protecting influence of good conduct, merit. Y.Peah I, 16b top הז׳ יש לה קרן יכ׳ good deeds have a capital and interests (reward the author and protect his offspring).R. Hash. 11a בז׳ אבות for the sake of the Patriarchs; בז׳ אימהות for the sake of the Mothers (Sarah). Ber.27b לית ליה ז׳ אבות has no distinguished ancestry to rely on. Gen. R. s. 44 זְכוּתְךָ עומדתוכ׳ thy guarding influence shall stand by them. Snh.12a בז׳ הרחמים ובזְכוּתָם through Divine mercy and their own merits; a. fr. 4) advantage, privilege, benefit. B. Mets.19a ז׳ הוא לעבדוכ׳ liberty is a benefit to the slave. Tosef.Gitt.I, 5 היאך נמצא ז׳וכ׳ ed. Zuck. (Var. מפני מה זכין) how dare we obtain a benefit for this slave?; a. fr.Pl. זָכִיּוֹת. Yoma 86b זרונות נעשו לו כז׳ wilful wrongs are accounted to him (who repents) as though they were merits. Taan.20b מנכין לו מזָכִיּוֹתָיו it is deducted from the rewards for his good deeds. Ex. R. s. 38, end; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > זכות

  • 10 זְכוּת

    זְכוּתf. (זָכָה) 1) acquittal, favorable judgment, plea in defence.לִמֵּד ז׳ to plead in favor of the defendant. Snh.IV, 1 הכל מלמדין ז׳ all are permitted to plead for the defendant. Ib. פותחין לז׳ the opening argument must be for the defence. Ib. מטין על פי אחד לז׳ a majority of one is sufficient for acquittal; a. fr.Ab. I, 6 הוי דן … לכף ז׳ judge every man with an inclination in his favor. Sabb.32a הבא ז׳ והפטר bring pleaders in thy favor (good deeds) and be acquitted; a. fr. 2) doing good, blessing. Taan.29a, a. fr. מגלגלין ז׳, v. גִּלְגֵּל.Y.Naz.VII, 56a bot. נתכוונתי לז׳ I had the intention of doing good; Treat. Smaḥ. IV, end. (Ib. תחלת זכותי, read: תשמישי. 3) the protecting influence of good conduct, merit. Y.Peah I, 16b top הז׳ יש לה קרן יכ׳ good deeds have a capital and interests (reward the author and protect his offspring).R. Hash. 11a בז׳ אבות for the sake of the Patriarchs; בז׳ אימהות for the sake of the Mothers (Sarah). Ber.27b לית ליה ז׳ אבות has no distinguished ancestry to rely on. Gen. R. s. 44 זְכוּתְךָ עומדתוכ׳ thy guarding influence shall stand by them. Snh.12a בז׳ הרחמים ובזְכוּתָם through Divine mercy and their own merits; a. fr. 4) advantage, privilege, benefit. B. Mets.19a ז׳ הוא לעבדוכ׳ liberty is a benefit to the slave. Tosef.Gitt.I, 5 היאך נמצא ז׳וכ׳ ed. Zuck. (Var. מפני מה זכין) how dare we obtain a benefit for this slave?; a. fr.Pl. זָכִיּוֹת. Yoma 86b זרונות נעשו לו כז׳ wilful wrongs are accounted to him (who repents) as though they were merits. Taan.20b מנכין לו מזָכִיּוֹתָיו it is deducted from the rewards for his good deeds. Ex. R. s. 38, end; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > זְכוּת

  • 11 כול

    כּוֹל, כּוֹלָא, כּוֹלָּאch. = h. כֹּל 1) all, every one; any. Constr. כָּל (frequ. used absolutely). Targ. O. Gen. 16:12, sq. Targ. Ex. 20:9. Targ. Y. Deut. 32:49 לא כל היאך not at all as (thou sayest); a. fr.Y.Yoma VIII, 45b bot. לא כולא מן הדיןוכ׳ all does not depend upon this man (it is not at all within his power) to say to the king, Thou art no king, i. e. his saying that the Day of Atonement has no atoning power, cannot affect its power; Y.Shebu.II, 33b bot.Snh.46b, a. fr. (לאו) לא כל כמיניה all is not as if dependent on him, i. e. he has no power to Gen. R. s. 79, beg. (expl. בכלח, Job 5:26) תבא בכולא אליוכ׳ (some ed. בכוֹלָּה) thou shalt enter the grave in fulness, full, wanting nothing.כָּל דְּכֵן = h. כָּל שֶׁכֵּן, v. כֹּל. Targ. Job 4:19; a. fr.Nidd.51a; a. fr.כָּל עלמא, v. infra.With suffix כּוּלָךְ, כּוּלֵיה (Buxt. כֻּלָּךְ) all of thee, of him, entire. Targ. Gen. 25:25; a. fr.Yoma 14b כוליה יומא the entire day; ib. 19a (not כולי). Ib. 26a כּוּלְהוּ מצפרא אתו (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 10) all of them come in (for their share) by the lots cast in the morning; a. fr.Pl. constr. כּוּלֵי all of. Targ. Esth. 6:1 כ׳ ליליא (ed. Lag. כוליה). Targ. Koh. 10:12 כ׳ עלמא (ed. Lag. כוליה).Y.Ber.II, 4b כ׳ עלמא ידעין ed. Lehm. (ed. כל) all the world, all people know (abbr. כ״ע); Y.M. Kat. III, 83c bot. כל עמא; v. עָלְמָא. Kidd.79b, v. כּוּל ch.כ׳ האי all of that, to that extent. Erub.61a. B. Mets.84b כ׳ה׳ ודאיוכ׳ after it has come to all this (it being so well known), it is surely not proper. Ab. Zar.24a; a. v. fr.Ḥag.4b כ׳ה׳ ואולי all this (is required of us) and yet only ‘perhaps (Zeph. 2:3)! Taan.25a כ׳ה׳ ואפשר all this (trouble) and ‘only perhaps! 2) capacity, power (cmp. יכל). Y.Peah VIII, 20d bot. לא כָּלָּן מסתורוכ׳ our (my) strength consists not in tearing down but

    Jewish literature > כול

  • 12 כולא

    כּוֹל, כּוֹלָא, כּוֹלָּאch. = h. כֹּל 1) all, every one; any. Constr. כָּל (frequ. used absolutely). Targ. O. Gen. 16:12, sq. Targ. Ex. 20:9. Targ. Y. Deut. 32:49 לא כל היאך not at all as (thou sayest); a. fr.Y.Yoma VIII, 45b bot. לא כולא מן הדיןוכ׳ all does not depend upon this man (it is not at all within his power) to say to the king, Thou art no king, i. e. his saying that the Day of Atonement has no atoning power, cannot affect its power; Y.Shebu.II, 33b bot.Snh.46b, a. fr. (לאו) לא כל כמיניה all is not as if dependent on him, i. e. he has no power to Gen. R. s. 79, beg. (expl. בכלח, Job 5:26) תבא בכולא אליוכ׳ (some ed. בכוֹלָּה) thou shalt enter the grave in fulness, full, wanting nothing.כָּל דְּכֵן = h. כָּל שֶׁכֵּן, v. כֹּל. Targ. Job 4:19; a. fr.Nidd.51a; a. fr.כָּל עלמא, v. infra.With suffix כּוּלָךְ, כּוּלֵיה (Buxt. כֻּלָּךְ) all of thee, of him, entire. Targ. Gen. 25:25; a. fr.Yoma 14b כוליה יומא the entire day; ib. 19a (not כולי). Ib. 26a כּוּלְהוּ מצפרא אתו (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 10) all of them come in (for their share) by the lots cast in the morning; a. fr.Pl. constr. כּוּלֵי all of. Targ. Esth. 6:1 כ׳ ליליא (ed. Lag. כוליה). Targ. Koh. 10:12 כ׳ עלמא (ed. Lag. כוליה).Y.Ber.II, 4b כ׳ עלמא ידעין ed. Lehm. (ed. כל) all the world, all people know (abbr. כ״ע); Y.M. Kat. III, 83c bot. כל עמא; v. עָלְמָא. Kidd.79b, v. כּוּל ch.כ׳ האי all of that, to that extent. Erub.61a. B. Mets.84b כ׳ה׳ ודאיוכ׳ after it has come to all this (it being so well known), it is surely not proper. Ab. Zar.24a; a. v. fr.Ḥag.4b כ׳ה׳ ואולי all this (is required of us) and yet only ‘perhaps (Zeph. 2:3)! Taan.25a כ׳ה׳ ואפשר all this (trouble) and ‘only perhaps! 2) capacity, power (cmp. יכל). Y.Peah VIII, 20d bot. לא כָּלָּן מסתורוכ׳ our (my) strength consists not in tearing down but

    Jewish literature > כולא

  • 13 כּוֹל

    כּוֹל, כּוֹלָא, כּוֹלָּאch. = h. כֹּל 1) all, every one; any. Constr. כָּל (frequ. used absolutely). Targ. O. Gen. 16:12, sq. Targ. Ex. 20:9. Targ. Y. Deut. 32:49 לא כל היאך not at all as (thou sayest); a. fr.Y.Yoma VIII, 45b bot. לא כולא מן הדיןוכ׳ all does not depend upon this man (it is not at all within his power) to say to the king, Thou art no king, i. e. his saying that the Day of Atonement has no atoning power, cannot affect its power; Y.Shebu.II, 33b bot.Snh.46b, a. fr. (לאו) לא כל כמיניה all is not as if dependent on him, i. e. he has no power to Gen. R. s. 79, beg. (expl. בכלח, Job 5:26) תבא בכולא אליוכ׳ (some ed. בכוֹלָּה) thou shalt enter the grave in fulness, full, wanting nothing.כָּל דְּכֵן = h. כָּל שֶׁכֵּן, v. כֹּל. Targ. Job 4:19; a. fr.Nidd.51a; a. fr.כָּל עלמא, v. infra.With suffix כּוּלָךְ, כּוּלֵיה (Buxt. כֻּלָּךְ) all of thee, of him, entire. Targ. Gen. 25:25; a. fr.Yoma 14b כוליה יומא the entire day; ib. 19a (not כולי). Ib. 26a כּוּלְהוּ מצפרא אתו (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 10) all of them come in (for their share) by the lots cast in the morning; a. fr.Pl. constr. כּוּלֵי all of. Targ. Esth. 6:1 כ׳ ליליא (ed. Lag. כוליה). Targ. Koh. 10:12 כ׳ עלמא (ed. Lag. כוליה).Y.Ber.II, 4b כ׳ עלמא ידעין ed. Lehm. (ed. כל) all the world, all people know (abbr. כ״ע); Y.M. Kat. III, 83c bot. כל עמא; v. עָלְמָא. Kidd.79b, v. כּוּל ch.כ׳ האי all of that, to that extent. Erub.61a. B. Mets.84b כ׳ה׳ ודאיוכ׳ after it has come to all this (it being so well known), it is surely not proper. Ab. Zar.24a; a. v. fr.Ḥag.4b כ׳ה׳ ואולי all this (is required of us) and yet only ‘perhaps (Zeph. 2:3)! Taan.25a כ׳ה׳ ואפשר all this (trouble) and ‘only perhaps! 2) capacity, power (cmp. יכל). Y.Peah VIII, 20d bot. לא כָּלָּן מסתורוכ׳ our (my) strength consists not in tearing down but

    Jewish literature > כּוֹל

  • 14 כּוֹלָא

    כּוֹל, כּוֹלָא, כּוֹלָּאch. = h. כֹּל 1) all, every one; any. Constr. כָּל (frequ. used absolutely). Targ. O. Gen. 16:12, sq. Targ. Ex. 20:9. Targ. Y. Deut. 32:49 לא כל היאך not at all as (thou sayest); a. fr.Y.Yoma VIII, 45b bot. לא כולא מן הדיןוכ׳ all does not depend upon this man (it is not at all within his power) to say to the king, Thou art no king, i. e. his saying that the Day of Atonement has no atoning power, cannot affect its power; Y.Shebu.II, 33b bot.Snh.46b, a. fr. (לאו) לא כל כמיניה all is not as if dependent on him, i. e. he has no power to Gen. R. s. 79, beg. (expl. בכלח, Job 5:26) תבא בכולא אליוכ׳ (some ed. בכוֹלָּה) thou shalt enter the grave in fulness, full, wanting nothing.כָּל דְּכֵן = h. כָּל שֶׁכֵּן, v. כֹּל. Targ. Job 4:19; a. fr.Nidd.51a; a. fr.כָּל עלמא, v. infra.With suffix כּוּלָךְ, כּוּלֵיה (Buxt. כֻּלָּךְ) all of thee, of him, entire. Targ. Gen. 25:25; a. fr.Yoma 14b כוליה יומא the entire day; ib. 19a (not כולי). Ib. 26a כּוּלְהוּ מצפרא אתו (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 10) all of them come in (for their share) by the lots cast in the morning; a. fr.Pl. constr. כּוּלֵי all of. Targ. Esth. 6:1 כ׳ ליליא (ed. Lag. כוליה). Targ. Koh. 10:12 כ׳ עלמא (ed. Lag. כוליה).Y.Ber.II, 4b כ׳ עלמא ידעין ed. Lehm. (ed. כל) all the world, all people know (abbr. כ״ע); Y.M. Kat. III, 83c bot. כל עמא; v. עָלְמָא. Kidd.79b, v. כּוּל ch.כ׳ האי all of that, to that extent. Erub.61a. B. Mets.84b כ׳ה׳ ודאיוכ׳ after it has come to all this (it being so well known), it is surely not proper. Ab. Zar.24a; a. v. fr.Ḥag.4b כ׳ה׳ ואולי all this (is required of us) and yet only ‘perhaps (Zeph. 2:3)! Taan.25a כ׳ה׳ ואפשר all this (trouble) and ‘only perhaps! 2) capacity, power (cmp. יכל). Y.Peah VIII, 20d bot. לא כָּלָּן מסתורוכ׳ our (my) strength consists not in tearing down but

    Jewish literature > כּוֹלָא

  • 15 כּוֹלָּא

    כּוֹל, כּוֹלָא, כּוֹלָּאch. = h. כֹּל 1) all, every one; any. Constr. כָּל (frequ. used absolutely). Targ. O. Gen. 16:12, sq. Targ. Ex. 20:9. Targ. Y. Deut. 32:49 לא כל היאך not at all as (thou sayest); a. fr.Y.Yoma VIII, 45b bot. לא כולא מן הדיןוכ׳ all does not depend upon this man (it is not at all within his power) to say to the king, Thou art no king, i. e. his saying that the Day of Atonement has no atoning power, cannot affect its power; Y.Shebu.II, 33b bot.Snh.46b, a. fr. (לאו) לא כל כמיניה all is not as if dependent on him, i. e. he has no power to Gen. R. s. 79, beg. (expl. בכלח, Job 5:26) תבא בכולא אליוכ׳ (some ed. בכוֹלָּה) thou shalt enter the grave in fulness, full, wanting nothing.כָּל דְּכֵן = h. כָּל שֶׁכֵּן, v. כֹּל. Targ. Job 4:19; a. fr.Nidd.51a; a. fr.כָּל עלמא, v. infra.With suffix כּוּלָךְ, כּוּלֵיה (Buxt. כֻּלָּךְ) all of thee, of him, entire. Targ. Gen. 25:25; a. fr.Yoma 14b כוליה יומא the entire day; ib. 19a (not כולי). Ib. 26a כּוּלְהוּ מצפרא אתו (v. Rabb. D. S. a. l. note 10) all of them come in (for their share) by the lots cast in the morning; a. fr.Pl. constr. כּוּלֵי all of. Targ. Esth. 6:1 כ׳ ליליא (ed. Lag. כוליה). Targ. Koh. 10:12 כ׳ עלמא (ed. Lag. כוליה).Y.Ber.II, 4b כ׳ עלמא ידעין ed. Lehm. (ed. כל) all the world, all people know (abbr. כ״ע); Y.M. Kat. III, 83c bot. כל עמא; v. עָלְמָא. Kidd.79b, v. כּוּל ch.כ׳ האי all of that, to that extent. Erub.61a. B. Mets.84b כ׳ה׳ ודאיוכ׳ after it has come to all this (it being so well known), it is surely not proper. Ab. Zar.24a; a. v. fr.Ḥag.4b כ׳ה׳ ואולי all this (is required of us) and yet only ‘perhaps (Zeph. 2:3)! Taan.25a כ׳ה׳ ואפשר all this (trouble) and ‘only perhaps! 2) capacity, power (cmp. יכל). Y.Peah VIII, 20d bot. לא כָּלָּן מסתורוכ׳ our (my) strength consists not in tearing down but

    Jewish literature > כּוֹלָּא

  • 16 מלא I

    מָלֵאI (b. h.) to be full, v. מָלֵא II.Tosef.Dem.V, 24 היאך מְלָאֲךָ ליבך how could thy heart be so full of thyself, i e. how daredst thou? Pi. מִלֵּא, מִילֵּא to fill, to draw (water). Erub.VIII, 6 אין מְמַלְּאִיןוכ׳ (Y. ed. מְמַלִּין) you must not draw water out of it on the Sabbath. B. Bath. 162b מִילְּאֵהוּ בקרובים if he filled the vacant space on the document with the signatures of relatives; Gitt.87b. Hor.11b ממלא מקום אבותיו הוה he was filling his ancestors place, was a direct successor; a. fr. Hithpa. הִתְמַלֵּא, Nithpa. נִתְמַלֵּא to be filled. Ber.3b; 59a אין חבור מִתְמַלֵּאוכ׳, v. חוּלְיָא I. Y.Succ.III, end, 54a עד שיִתְמַלֵּא זקנו until he has a full beard. Y.Ber.IX, 13d bot. הִתְמַלְּאִי דינרי זהב be full of gold denars; והיתה מתְמַלְּאָה and it became filled with Gen. R. s. 33 הִתְסַלְּאוּ רחמים אלו על אלו be merciful to one another. Ib. ראיתי … והִתְמַלֵּאתִי עליה רחמים I saw her in distress and was filled with pity for her; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > מלא I

  • 17 מָלֵא

    מָלֵאI (b. h.) to be full, v. מָלֵא II.Tosef.Dem.V, 24 היאך מְלָאֲךָ ליבך how could thy heart be so full of thyself, i e. how daredst thou? Pi. מִלֵּא, מִילֵּא to fill, to draw (water). Erub.VIII, 6 אין מְמַלְּאִיןוכ׳ (Y. ed. מְמַלִּין) you must not draw water out of it on the Sabbath. B. Bath. 162b מִילְּאֵהוּ בקרובים if he filled the vacant space on the document with the signatures of relatives; Gitt.87b. Hor.11b ממלא מקום אבותיו הוה he was filling his ancestors place, was a direct successor; a. fr. Hithpa. הִתְמַלֵּא, Nithpa. נִתְמַלֵּא to be filled. Ber.3b; 59a אין חבור מִתְמַלֵּאוכ׳, v. חוּלְיָא I. Y.Succ.III, end, 54a עד שיִתְמַלֵּא זקנו until he has a full beard. Y.Ber.IX, 13d bot. הִתְמַלְּאִי דינרי זהב be full of gold denars; והיתה מתְמַלְּאָה and it became filled with Gen. R. s. 33 הִתְסַלְּאוּ רחמים אלו על אלו be merciful to one another. Ib. ראיתי … והִתְמַלֵּאתִי עליה רחמים I saw her in distress and was filled with pity for her; a. fr.

    Jewish literature > מָלֵא

  • 18 נקי

    נקי, נָקָה(b. h.) (to be rubbed off, be white, to be clean, clear (cmp. זָכָה). Pi. נִיקָּה 1) to cleanse. Ex. R. s. 1 ומְנַקֶּה אותם and cleansed them (the new-born); Yalk. ib. 164; Yalk. Ez. 354; (Sot.11b מנקיר). B. Kam.93b פשתן ונִיקָּהוּ if he stole flax and cleansed (bleached) it; Tosef. ib. X, 2; a. e. 2) to clear, let go unpunished. Yoma 86a (ref. to Ex. 34:7) מנקה הואוכ׳ he clears the repentant sinners Tem.3b. Pesik. R. s. 42 כדי לנַקּוֹת את שרה in order to clear Sarah (from suspicion); a. fr.Part. pass. מְנוּקֶּה, pl. מְנוּקִּין clear, clean, bare. Snh.49a מנ׳ נגזל innocent of robbery. Sot.28a. Snh.36b, a. e. כשם שב״ד מנ׳ בצדק … מנ׳ מכל מום as the judges must be clear (from suspicion) as to righteousness, so must they be clear of every blemish (of descent). Gitt.86a מ׳ מכל מום free from all objectionable qualities; a. e. Nif. נִקָּה, נִיקָּה, Hithpa. הִתְנַקֶּה to be cleared, vindicated. Tosef.Sot.II, 3 שנ׳ ונקתה נִקְּתָה מכל פורעניותוכ׳ (v. ed. Zuck. note) the text says (Num. 5:28) ‘and she shall be cleared, she shall be cleared (released) from all the evils which might come upon her deservedly (because she gave rise to suspicion through her conduct). Ib. שניקללה ניוולה (Var. שניקל) read: שניקתה בניוולה she is released from further visitation (being sufficiently punished) by her exposure to disgrace. Pesik. R. l. c. היאך … מִתְנַקֵּת by what severe means has Sarah been vindicated! Hif. הִנְקָה to clear, remove. Kidd.62a (ref. to הִנָּקִי, Num. 5:19) הַנְקִי כתיב it may be read hanḳi, clear thy life out of thy body (die, if thou art guilty); v. חָנַק.

    Jewish literature > נקי

  • 19 נקה

    נקי, נָקָה(b. h.) (to be rubbed off, be white, to be clean, clear (cmp. זָכָה). Pi. נִיקָּה 1) to cleanse. Ex. R. s. 1 ומְנַקֶּה אותם and cleansed them (the new-born); Yalk. ib. 164; Yalk. Ez. 354; (Sot.11b מנקיר). B. Kam.93b פשתן ונִיקָּהוּ if he stole flax and cleansed (bleached) it; Tosef. ib. X, 2; a. e. 2) to clear, let go unpunished. Yoma 86a (ref. to Ex. 34:7) מנקה הואוכ׳ he clears the repentant sinners Tem.3b. Pesik. R. s. 42 כדי לנַקּוֹת את שרה in order to clear Sarah (from suspicion); a. fr.Part. pass. מְנוּקֶּה, pl. מְנוּקִּין clear, clean, bare. Snh.49a מנ׳ נגזל innocent of robbery. Sot.28a. Snh.36b, a. e. כשם שב״ד מנ׳ בצדק … מנ׳ מכל מום as the judges must be clear (from suspicion) as to righteousness, so must they be clear of every blemish (of descent). Gitt.86a מ׳ מכל מום free from all objectionable qualities; a. e. Nif. נִקָּה, נִיקָּה, Hithpa. הִתְנַקֶּה to be cleared, vindicated. Tosef.Sot.II, 3 שנ׳ ונקתה נִקְּתָה מכל פורעניותוכ׳ (v. ed. Zuck. note) the text says (Num. 5:28) ‘and she shall be cleared, she shall be cleared (released) from all the evils which might come upon her deservedly (because she gave rise to suspicion through her conduct). Ib. שניקללה ניוולה (Var. שניקל) read: שניקתה בניוולה she is released from further visitation (being sufficiently punished) by her exposure to disgrace. Pesik. R. l. c. היאך … מִתְנַקֵּת by what severe means has Sarah been vindicated! Hif. הִנְקָה to clear, remove. Kidd.62a (ref. to הִנָּקִי, Num. 5:19) הַנְקִי כתיב it may be read hanḳi, clear thy life out of thy body (die, if thou art guilty); v. חָנַק.

    Jewish literature > נקה

  • 20 נָקָה

    נקי, נָקָה(b. h.) (to be rubbed off, be white, to be clean, clear (cmp. זָכָה). Pi. נִיקָּה 1) to cleanse. Ex. R. s. 1 ומְנַקֶּה אותם and cleansed them (the new-born); Yalk. ib. 164; Yalk. Ez. 354; (Sot.11b מנקיר). B. Kam.93b פשתן ונִיקָּהוּ if he stole flax and cleansed (bleached) it; Tosef. ib. X, 2; a. e. 2) to clear, let go unpunished. Yoma 86a (ref. to Ex. 34:7) מנקה הואוכ׳ he clears the repentant sinners Tem.3b. Pesik. R. s. 42 כדי לנַקּוֹת את שרה in order to clear Sarah (from suspicion); a. fr.Part. pass. מְנוּקֶּה, pl. מְנוּקִּין clear, clean, bare. Snh.49a מנ׳ נגזל innocent of robbery. Sot.28a. Snh.36b, a. e. כשם שב״ד מנ׳ בצדק … מנ׳ מכל מום as the judges must be clear (from suspicion) as to righteousness, so must they be clear of every blemish (of descent). Gitt.86a מ׳ מכל מום free from all objectionable qualities; a. e. Nif. נִקָּה, נִיקָּה, Hithpa. הִתְנַקֶּה to be cleared, vindicated. Tosef.Sot.II, 3 שנ׳ ונקתה נִקְּתָה מכל פורעניותוכ׳ (v. ed. Zuck. note) the text says (Num. 5:28) ‘and she shall be cleared, she shall be cleared (released) from all the evils which might come upon her deservedly (because she gave rise to suspicion through her conduct). Ib. שניקללה ניוולה (Var. שניקל) read: שניקתה בניוולה she is released from further visitation (being sufficiently punished) by her exposure to disgrace. Pesik. R. l. c. היאך … מִתְנַקֵּת by what severe means has Sarah been vindicated! Hif. הִנְקָה to clear, remove. Kidd.62a (ref. to הִנָּקִי, Num. 5:19) הַנְקִי כתיב it may be read hanḳi, clear thy life out of thy body (die, if thou art guilty); v. חָנַק.

    Jewish literature > נָקָה

См. также в других словарях:

  • היאך — adv. הכיצד, איך, איכה, איככה, כיצד, מניי …   אוצר עברית

  • הא כיצד — איך ייתכן, הכיצד, היאך {{}} …   אוצר עברית

  • מה פירוש — כיצד, היאך, מה זאת אומרת {{}} …   אוצר עברית

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